Attitude towards the use of inclusive language in SFL classes: The case of Romania and China




It is very well known the vast discussion generated by inclusive language, not only in Spanish-speaker countries but also in the whole world. Although the institutions are reluctant to use it, a part of society such as the LGTBIQ+ and the masculine or female collective wants to initiate a language change to avoid discrimination. The present work intends to analyze how the culture of a society influences when teaching or learning the use of the language included in an ELE class in countries (China and Romania) with a different attitude regarding women or the LGTBIQ+ collective. To carry out this study, the qualitative method was applied through interrogations of both the student and the teacher. The study's results made it possible to determine that, the teacher, people of gender belonging to the Romanian country dominated in the use of alternatives, while the Chinese teacher favored them. Likewise, students from both countries have shown interest in learning a more inclusive language.


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How to Cite

Linares La Barba, M. Ángela, & Santamaría Pérez, M. I. (2024). Attitude towards the use of inclusive language in SFL classes: The case of Romania and China. Revista Internacional De Lenguas Extranjeras / International Journal of Foreign Languages, (20), 64–85.


