Identifying local food in the context of european system of geographical indications and consumer's right to information
Paraules clau:
agri-food law, local food, Geographical indications, Consumer protection, Protected Geographical Indications \, Protected Denomination of Origin, Food quality system
The aim of the discussion is to assess the adequacy of the EU legal instrument PDO and PGI for the identification of locally produced products. PDOs and PGIs, due to their importance under the EU protection system, contribute the most to the reputation and visibility of territorial products. Although they guarantee the origin of a product from a specific area, they do not specify the proximity between the place of production and delivery, and the sale of products with their labels is not limited to the local area. Due to complicated registration procedures and the requirements to link the quality, characteristics or reputation of a product to its origin, they are not a suitable instrument for distinguishing and identifying local food, which needs a simple and inexpensive tool for promotion and differentiation. The lack of a definition of local food and an EU labelling system as well as the absence of an obligation to indicate the place of origin on the product label does not allow consumers to make informed choices on the basis of clear and transparent information on the characteristics of the product, its origin and possible risks associated with it. Such a legal situation is contrary to the principle of food law, expressed in Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on protecting the consumers’ interest by providing a basis to make informed choices.
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