Polycentric approach to global constitutionalism and climate change
Paraules clau:
international environmental law, international law, constitutionalism
The construction of the global constitutionalism’s narrative requires interpretative efforts in order to recognize, at the same time, the basic values of the constitutionalism and the irreversible fragmentation of the international order, establishing legal frameworks to stimulate collective and coordinate actions in different scales of governance specially to handle top global threats as the case of the climate change. The polycentricity and its alternative and pluralistic approach that aims to maximize the potential convergence of multiple governance units appears in this context as an appropriate analytical method to develop a discursively narrative which generates a constitutional framework adjusted to handle with climate change, building the idea of a micro-global-climate-constitutionalized system. Therefore, the micro-global-climate-constitutionalism bounded by a set of overarching rules as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the constitutive and regulatory documents elaborated at the decision-making process of the Conference of Parties (COPs), specially the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, supports the international climate regime, generating a scheme of comprehensive values and principles through uniform standards that oriented coordinated initiatives of higher and lower levels of authority towards a dynamic and progressive model of governing.
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- Max Planck Institute
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