From Kyoto to Paris: the European Union's contribution to a new world climate order





  • Beatriz Pérez de las Heras Universidad de Deusto

Paraules clau:

climate change, European Union, mitigation, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement




The European Union (EU)’s climate policy is closely linked to its commitments under the international regime of the United Nations (UN). The Union was a party to the Kyoto Protocol; it contributed to its ratification and largely surpassed its mitigation obligations during the first commitment period (2008-2012). It is currently one of the few developed parties with voluntary mitigation obligations for the second Kyoto commitment period (2013-2020), whose scope and contents draw critically on the EU 2020 climate-energy package. While implementing this binding framework, the EU is giving legal contents to the 2030 climate-energy package as a major contribution to the new international climate regime under the Paris Agreement, in whose design and adoption the Union also played a key role. Recent policies and other proposals now in prospect are intended to transform the EU into a competitive and sustainable economy by 2050. The new measures also signal the way for further collective action beyond 2025 under the Paris Agreement.


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Com citar

From Kyoto to Paris: the European Union’s contribution to a new world climate order. (2018). Revista Catalana De Dret Ambiental, 9(1).


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EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESEARCH SERVICE, “Implementing the Paris Agreement-EU and Global Climate Action”, 2017. Retrieved on 19 January 2018, at

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MOREL, R. and SHISHLOV, I., “Ex-post Evaluation of the Kyoto Protocol: Four Key Lessons for the 2015 Paris Agreement”, Climate Report, nº 44, 2014.

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YAMINEVA, Y., “Climate Finance in the Paris Outcome: Why Do Today What You Can Put Off till Tomorrow?”, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, vol. 25, nº 2, 2016.

Biografia de l'autor/a

Beatriz Pérez de las Heras, Universidad de Deusto

Departamento de Derecho Transnacional (Facultad de Derecho)

Catedrática de Derecho de la Unión Europea

Com citar

From Kyoto to Paris: the European Union’s contribution to a new world climate order. (2018). Revista Catalana De Dret Ambiental, 9(1).


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